West Side and South Side Opioid and Heroin Taskforce(s)

Apply for West Side and South Side Opioid and Heroin Taskforce(s) (Taskforce) funding by May 20, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.
At a Glance
- Funding is available for West Side and South Side Opioid and Heroin Taskforce(s). These taskforces will organize all operations, working primarily to assemble and engage community members and stakeholders in a collaborative campaign that includes outreach, education, harm reduction, and referral activities. The community must be involved in every aspect of the work; the work must demonstrate cultural humility and accountability and be informed by an understanding and consideration of traumatic experiences (e.g. early childhood, historical, cultural, primary, and secondary).
- Non-profit, for-profit, and tax-exempt organizations throughout Illinois, particularly in areas disproportionately affected by the opioid crisis, are encouraged to apply.
- A total of $5,250,000 is available to be awarded over a period of 3 years. Up to 2 organizations may be funded. The anticipated award range is up to $875,000 for each geographical area (West Side or South Side) per period of performance. The initial period of performance spans 7/1/24-6/30/25.
Important Dates
- Technical Assistance Session April 25, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. CST
- Questions about Taskforce due May 10, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. CST
- Applications due May 20, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. CST
Application Materials
Information about the Notice of Funding Opportunity is organized into four main topics: the NOFO, the application, the budget, and FAQs.
The NOFO includes all program requirements and terms and conditions related to the award.
2. Application
Applications are accepted via SurveyMonkey Apply (SMA), an online application platform.
3. Budget
The Budget Workbook must be uploaded as an attachment in the online application.
4. FAQs
Answers are uploaded each Wednesday and the TA Session video will be posted here.
Register for the Technical Assistance Session!
The Technical Assistance Session is scheduled April 25, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. CST.
Review Applicant Checklist
The checklist contains a list of suggested steps to successfully submit the application.
RCCA Contact
Randi Moberly, Ph.D.IL RCCA Program Directorilrcca@ahpnet.com
Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.Regional Care Coordination Agency1021 West Adams Street, Suite 303Chicago, IL 60607